NJ Appellate Court Affirms Enforcement of Marital Settlement Agreement

M.L. v. P.L. Docket No. A-2878-22 Decided May 22, 2024 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division of New Jersey affirmed a trial court’s order enforcing a the Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) despite Defendant later claiming that her mental incapacity due to medical conditions preventing her from…

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Margaret S. Frey v. Thomas G. Frey Docket No. A-2271-21 Decided March 28, 2024 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The Appellate Division of New Jersey in a recent unpublished decision reversed a Dual Judgment of Divorce for alimony and equitable distribution for the Court’s failure to apply correct law to each category. In…

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NJ Court Denies Child Relocation

C.D.V.D. v. B.K.T. Docket No. A-0310-22 Decided February 15, 2024 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division of New Jersey affirmed a trial court’s order denying Plaintiff’s request to relocate to Portugal with the parties’ child. In C.D.V.D., the parties married in 2015. Plaintiff was born in…

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Appellate Court Upholds Property Sale to Satisfy Divorce Judgment

Anna Maria Toth v. John Turi Docket No. A-3075-20 Decided August 29, 2023 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished opinion, the Appellate Court of New Jersey decided defendant’s appeal from a May 2021 order, in favor of plaintiff, permitting the sale of defendant’s real property to satisfy a $174,020 judgment…

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Appellate Division Enforces Beis Din Provision in Marital Settlement Agreement

Ava Satz v. Allen Satz Docket No. A-3535-21 Decided August 18, 2023 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent published decision the Appellate Division of New Jersey affirmed a trial court’s order enforcing a provision of the Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) requiring the parties to following beis din proceedings to obtain a…

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Did the Trial Judge Err in Holding Plaintiff in Contempt Based on His “Abhorrent and Disruptive Behavior” During the Trial?

B.R. v. R.R.  Docket No. A-1673-20 Decided October 11, 2022 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished opinion, the Appellate Court of New Jersey decided plaintiff’s appeal of a final judgment of divorce (“FJD”), in which he argued that the trial judge erred in holding him in contempt based on his…

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Affirmed: Final Judgment of Divorce Regarding Custody, Parenting Time, Alimony, And A No Contact Order from Plaintiff’s Brother

IVAN BILBAO LA VIEJA v. ALEJANDRA BILBAO LA VIEJA, n/k/a ALEJANDRA MERILES Docket No. A-799-20 Decided September 6, 2022 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division of New Jersey affirmed a final judgment of divorce regarding custody, parenting time, alimony, and a no contact order from plaintiff’s…

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Plaintiff And Defendant Could Not Agree on The Valuation of The Marital Home, And the Court Appointed an Appraiser Discarding Both Plaintiff and Defendant’s Valuations.

Knaust v. Knaust Docket No. A-0346-20 Decided August 30, 2022 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division of New Jersey reversed an order denying a motion for reconsideration after plaintiff and defendant could not agree on the valuation of the marital home, and the court appointed an…

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