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Logging Truck Accidents

The logging industry has been a significant part of the nation’s economy for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, logging can be a dangerous occupation with hundreds of logging truck accidents happening every year. On any given day, you can see a timber truck loaded with trees and brush driving in front of you. Unfortunately, these trucks and the cargo they carry result in many serious accidents on New Jersey roads each year. Overloaded trucks that can’t stop, unmarked tree trunks extending beyond the beds of trucks and flying debris from trucks cause accidents to automobile drivers, passengers and motorcyclists.

Logging Truck Accident

Due to the nature of the logging industry, logging trucks are often involved in accidents. Some semi trucks and 18-wheelers get stacked up to 10 feet high.

Since truckers get paid by the load, they try to take as many logs as they can. This means that even small accidents can result in major damages and serious injuries. At Hark & Hark, New Jersey truck accident attorney Jeffrey S. Hark handles log truck accidents involving:

As with any commercial truck, logging trucks are larger than the average car. The great size and weight of such trucks may lead to catastrophic injuries and wrongful death if an accident occurs. If a truck accident caused injury or death, the injured party has a right to recover compensation from all the responsible parties. An experienced truck crash attorney can help receive financial recovery from all liable parties. If you have been involved in a logging truck accident, please call logging truck accident attorney Jeffrey S. Hark at Hark & Hark to discuss your case.

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